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bef and aft
Refreshed plantings and beds
Before and after pics (front)
Before and after pics (back)
Refreshed beds and plantings (front)
Refreshed landscaping
Refreshed landscaping
Refreshed landscaping
Refreshed landscaping
Renewed bed
Renewed bed
Rock bank
Before and after
Before and after
Refreshed front bed (Palencia)
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Beach project - 1 year later
Beach project - 1 year later
Beach project - 1 year later
Beach project - 1 year later
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed with tree installed.
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
A sod project
Areca (butterfly) palms
Areca (butterfly) palms
Refreshed beds with new plantings
Beach house project included lighting, irrigation, drainage, and landscaping.
Beach project (trees installed).
Beach project 4
Beach project (work in progress)
Beach project: side yard landscaping with lighting, irrigation, and underground drainage.
Beach project (work in progress)
Back yard and preserve landscaping 3
Back yard and preserve landscaping 2
Back yard and preserve landscaping
Refreshed front
Refreshed front (side view)
Refreshed front
Refreshed bed
Added flower bed around mailbox.
Added flower bed around mailbox.
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
New bed with stone edging.
New bed with stone edging.
Work in progress
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed with paver driveway
Whimsical garden area
Whimsical garden area
Commercial landscaping project
Commercial landscaping project
Commercial landscaping project
Commercial landscaping project
Commercial landscaping project
Commercial landscaping project
Customer requested stone on slope
Front bed re-do
Front bed re-do 2
Refreshed front bed with stone boarder
Refreshed front bed
Refreshed front bed
Before and after(2) (washout from downspout mitigated)
New fence border
Refreshed front bed
New plantings
New plantings and stone border
New plantings and stone border
Careful work
Installed with care
Belton block landscaping border
Stone border installation
Before and after (sod installation)
New back yard project
New back yard project
Front bed
Front bed refresh
Front beds (left and right)
Front bed refreshed
Front bed refreshed
Front bed
Front bed refreshed
Heavy duty job
Driveway paver project
Driveway paver project
Driveway paver project
Driveway paver project finished
Sidewalk project
Front bed refreshed
Tropical escape

Project pictures (above)

A butterfly corner
Monarch butterfly on penta
Cimarrone front entry
Cimarrone front entry
Whimsical front entry
Neighborhood front entry: pentas, mammy crotons, sago palm, birds of paradise, fountain grass
Purple and pink pentas, ti plants, crepe myrtle trees, and loropetalum bushes
Bamboo, ti plants, and variegated ligustrum plants.
Crepe myrtle
Bamboo, ti plants, loropetalum and variegated ligustrum.

Inspiration pictures (above)

(not our projects)

5085 Big Oak Rd. S., St. Augustine, FL 32095

FNGLA logo

Member of Florida Nursery Growers and Landscape Association

Northeast Florida chapter

Member of St. Johns County Chamber of Commerce

Chamber logo

We are not a lawn maintenance company

We are licensed and insured

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